Emily has curated a selection of jewellery to help you choose an anniversary gift for your special someone. Whether you are celebrating 1 year or 70 years of time together, we are here to assist you in your choice to mark this special occasion.
25th = Silver | 40th = Ruby | 45th = Sapphire | 50th = Gold | 60th = Diamond
Please get in touch with any queries or if you would like to discuss a custom-made anniversary design.
Stone Drawing Necklace Silver
Stone's Throw Bangle Stack
Ruby Channel Ring with Ice Accents
Ocean Deep Channel Ring
Spiralis Drop Pendant
Ocean Cluster Studs
Furl Drops 18ct Gold
Pebble Circles Pendant 9ct Gold
Crested Cluster Studs
All White Channel Ring
Diamond Nugget Studs
Spiralis Diamond Pendant
Crested Deep Channel Ring
Ocean Igneous Cluster Ring
Thrift Pink Cluster Studs
Thrift Pink Nugget Studs
Crested Diamond Craggy Bangle
Ocean Stone Nugget Studs
Adakite Pendant
Carn Pendant
Rift Pendant
Ocean Sapphire Nugget Studs
Green Ocean Sapphire Nugget Studs
Sea Glitter Carn Pendant
Crest Sapphire Adakite Pendant
Skyline Rift Pendant
Sapphire and Diamond Carn Pendant
Ocean Sapphire Nugget Pendant
Shingle Bangle Stack
Green Sapphire Nugget Pendant
Skyline Mini Rift Pendant
Crested Half Channel Ring
Sea Grass Deep Channel Ring